I'm writing this segment from a little town called Revelstoke, British Columbia! The Internet/phone access has been limited to say the least! Without a good Internet connection it makes loading pictures near impossible, so I had to wait until now, 9 days later, to write about our visit to Glacier NP.
Leaving Yellowstone it was a short 3-4 hour drive north to Glacier NP. The morning air is now crisp and cool which tells us winter is close! This did not deter us from spending some good time in this amazing park. The wildlife is a little more aloof than at Yellowstone and the landscape is a rich green with beautiful wild flowers growing everywhere! The 1st day in the park we spent traveling the Going to the Sun Road. This a narrow two lane road that winds it's way through the mountains of the park and then dumps you out in the valley!
We stopped along side the road of some magnificent rivers that the water was so clear it didn't look real. Norman and the kids were eager to get in the water, only to find out it was very cold glacier/snow pack runoff water! The kids and Norman braved it out for a while, but they could only stand so much and out they came. The next day we went to Logan pass, a mountain top rest area with a hiking trail that runs behind it up into the mountains to Hidden Lake. We took a three mile round trip hike up to a land locked glacial lake and got our first glimpse at the mountain goats! These goats are bright white and very elusive at times, not to mention Karen's favorite of all the animals we have seen so far. The hike was nice with great weather, but we started at 6500 ft above sea level and the trail ends at 7200 ft, so you can feel the elevation when walking this trail! After the trail we called it a day and headed home.

The next couple of days were spent exploring the parks mountains and rivers! We ended up seeing Black Bears, Marmots, Mountain Goats, Big Horn Sheep and the list goes on! Glacier NP reminded me of Alaska, in the fact that the scenery and nature is very raw and undisturbed! Just like many times before, we sadly must move on, because weather won't wait for us! Canada he we come again!